
in Bitterwasser

Service is written BIG in Bitterwasser

In Bitterwasser there is service as much as you like. Whether it is in the flight office, in the workshop, in the restaurant or by the lineboys. Always excellent.


The flight office is the heart of flight operations. A team of Namibia experienced pilots takes on the role of CFO (Chief of Flight Operations).


There is a well-equipped, large aviation workshop at Bitterwasser Lodge. If the worst comes to the worst, work on airframes, engines or electrical systems can be done there quickly and under expert supervision.


Our friendly and competent service team will help you with the transport from the parking area to the take-off position and during take-off and landing. As soon as you are on the ground, our team will bring you your utensils.

Minutes later your aircraft is safely at the parking area. Super thing!