The little zoo

Perhaps someone still remembers the little cats that were born two years ago on Bitterwasser in the workshop. The remaining two, Catherine and Paul live since then on the farm Olifants Water West of Eckhart .

We visited Eckhart and found them both in great shape.

On the left is Katharina and on the right Paul.


Baki, the young springbok and the four ostriches have been released in the meantime. Since all of them are very territorial, they can often be seen at the waterhole. But they have become much more shy. Baki only allows us to get within 2 meters of him and the ostriches now keep a distance of about 20 meters.

In the background you can see the ostriches.



Wir trauern um Dieter Schwenk

Dieter hat sich als Mitglied des Bitterwasser Board of Directors und CFI der Soaring Societey of Namibia um den Segelflug in Namibia besonders verdient gemacht.

An seinem Lieblingsplatz in Bitterwasser sitzend hat er uns für immer verlassen.

Wir werden ihn nicht vergessen.


Langsam neigt sich die Saison in Bitterwasser dem Ende zu.

Nach und nach werden die Segelflugzeuge in die Container geladen. Und trotzdem fliegen täglich einige Teams über 1000 Kilometer.