The Line-Boys of the 2022/23 Season

Our Line-Boys are doing a valuable job again this year.
During the season, when there is always a lot of activity, the experienced Line-
Boys (easily recognisable by their red clothing) contribute to smooth flight

As the optimal take-off time can be well determined by the morning weather briefing, almost all aircraft move towards the take-off position within a short time. This is where the Line-Boys come to help.

A second look at the correct fit of the parachutes, the safety belts and the activated SPOTS as well as assistance with boarding shortly prior take-off makes a difference. A final check of the wind conditions and a long carry of the wings during the take-off run, make the morning departures both comfortable and additionally safe.

In the evening, when up to 25 planes come to land towards sunset time, all handles have to be in place. Thanks to the large salt pan with variable take-off and landing directions and the support of the Line-Boys, all aircraft can also land late in a short time - and make optimum use of day lengths.

The well-rehearsed team then takes care of the logistics and the safe way back of the aircraft to the parking positions: Often the pilots haven't even opened the canopy while the aircraft is already attached to the car and ready to go.

When available, the guys are on hand as "private helpers". The line boys take care of packing and unpacking, cleaning and polishing the aircraft and more - a great service.


Jonkers JS5 – Discovering the Namibian Sky

Das neueste Flaggschiff aus dem Hause Jonker Sailplanes, die JS5 Rey, hat erfolgreich ihren ersten Flug in Namibia absolviert – in der weltbekannten Thermik-Oase Bitterwasser. Dank exzellenter Wetterbedingungen konnten bereits mehrere 1000-Kilometer-Flüge erzielt werden.

Arcus M 2.0 zu verchartern – zur besten Zeit des Jahres!

Einer unserer Arcus M 2.0 ist gerade freigeworden und kann in Bitterwasser gechartert werden. Zeitraum: 21.12.2024 bis einschließlich 06.01.2025.

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