Stormy days in Bitterwasser

The forecasts from TopMeteo for Namibia in the last few days have been a nice promise. The potential flight distances (PFD) told from many kilometers. But it wasn't that simple.

The flights had to be fought hard. Only a look at the wind maps showed the problem. The working altitudes in the blue thermal in the afternoon were 5000 meters MSL and more, but in the heights and already well below it was blowing at 60 kph plus. Wind shear did the rest to stir up the thermals vigorously. Only the strong and then tight lifts made it all the way up. Lots of clubs and a high tolerance against shaking were the order of the day. If you liked that, you could also bring together decent daily distances, like the Italian TwinShark team Pietro Sileri/Gaetano Benincasa with almost 800 kilometers.
Another challenge awaited the returnees when they had to land in the 30 knots northwest with gusts of up to 46 knots. The photo shows the current weather on the afternoon of November 26th. In Bitterwasser that wasn't that big a problem. On the large pan, it was possible to approach and land exactly against the wind.


Wir trauern um Dieter Schwenk

Dieter hat sich als Mitglied des Bitterwasser Board of Directors und CFI der Soaring Societey of Namibia um den Segelflug in Namibia besonders verdient gemacht.

An seinem Lieblingsplatz in Bitterwasser sitzend hat er uns für immer verlassen.

Wir werden ihn nicht vergessen.


Langsam neigt sich die Saison in Bitterwasser dem Ende zu.

Nach und nach werden die Segelflugzeuge in die Container geladen. Und trotzdem fliegen täglich einige Teams über 1000 Kilometer.