Outside landing

There was a lot of excitement in the evening of 11.11.2022. At about 18:00 DW reports that they have to land outside.
What had happened?

Gerhard and Astrid had flown a little too far south in the strong northwest wind (50 km/h) and noticed on the return flight that the thermals were breaking down. So the decision, still at higher altitude, the engine out and climb with engine on final approach altitude, for about 78 km final approach. After about 2 minutes, however, the engine then went on strike. So engine in and land in the pan, which had been selected as alternate before. So there was still enough time to radio the intention. After the landing Bitterwasser had no more contact with the two. After a short time, however, fortunately an "OK, we're fine." message via the SPOT emergency and tracking system. That reassured for the time being.

The two, quite correctly, took their SPOT with them when they tried to walk to a farm three kilometers away. This could be tracked in the flight office in Bitterwasser.

Unfortunately, the farm was locked and no one was there. So they could not make a phone call. So they went back to the plane and waited there for help.

In Bitterwasser a team was sent to pick them up and bring them back to Bitterwasser. At 00:30, everyone was back in Bitterwasser. However, the plane was still outside.

The next morning a team with a universal trailer drove off to recover the airplane. In the evening they were back as well. The following day, they set up and started troubleshooting the engine.


Not far to go home
Along the road into the pan
Derigging and loading the next day
Ready for departure
Arrived well at home


Die Segelflugsaison in Bitterwasser dreht noch einmal richtig auf

Obwohl Mitte Januar die Saison in Bitterwasser dem Ende entgegenzugehen scheint, zeigt sich das Wetter von seiner besten Seite. Piloten aus aller Welt genießen beeindruckende Thermik, atemberaubende Streckenflüge über 1000 km und eine einzigartige Gemeinschaft.

1250 km-Palme für Dmitry Borovyk und Anton Minskii

Die letzte Saison 2023/24 endete mit einem spektakulären Highlight für Dmitry Borovyk und Anton Minskii: Am allerletzten Tag gelang es ihnen, drei deklarierte Wendepunkte zu umfliegen und eine beeindruckende Strecke von 1250 Kilometern zurückzulegen. Mit dieser außergewöhnlichen Leistung verdienten sie sich das Privileg, in Bitterwasser eine Palme pflanzen zu dürfen – eine Ehre, die nur den besten Piloten zuteilwird. Ein Jahr später kehren die beiden nun nach Bitterwasser zurück, um ihre Palme nach alter Bitterwasser-Tradition in feierlicher Zeremonie zu pflanzen.