Instead working as a grid boy flying 1200 k

Jeremias Kauenas (49) is a fixture in Bitterwasser. As head of the Grid Boys, he has been ensuring smooth flight operations with the flight office for years. In the new year he turned the tables and joined Reinhard Schramme in the EB28 cockpit.

On the flight he got to know a lot about Namibia and neighboring Botswana. The OLC rating showed 1225 kilometers in the evening. Jeremias: “A great flight.” He has already practiced the tactics under the elongated cloud streets.
It wasn't his first flight, not even the one with an EB28. At Christmas 2014 he flew a 1000 k with Fabian Siebenwurst. This time it was an anniversary present: Jeremias has been there in Bitterwasser for 25 years.
Jeremia's day starts early at the gas station with the Avgas replenishment for the self-starters. In the Namibian winter, from September to October, he sits on the tractor for hours and days and rolls the pan for the new season so that the guests can find their airfield in their usual good shape. During the season, his day is not yet over with the last landings and they often only happen shortly before eight. Sunset is now at the beginning of January at 7:43 pm. 15 minutes later everyone must have landed, because then it can quickly be night, but until then many people are spending their days.
Photo: Jeremias in the car just before a drive into the pan. The grid boys are on site immediately after the gliders have rolled out for transport to the lodge.


Wir trauern um Dieter Schwenk

Dieter hat sich als Mitglied des Bitterwasser Board of Directors und CFI der Soaring Societey of Namibia um den Segelflug in Namibia besonders verdient gemacht.

An seinem Lieblingsplatz in Bitterwasser sitzend hat er uns für immer verlassen.

Wir werden ihn nicht vergessen.


Langsam neigt sich die Saison in Bitterwasser dem Ende zu.

Nach und nach werden die Segelflugzeuge in die Container geladen. Und trotzdem fliegen täglich einige Teams über 1000 Kilometer.