The desert takes off

At 5700 meters MSL, the first warnings sounded in the computer yesterday. The vario was at the stop and the cloud base was far from being reached, but the cover of the glider flying area of Namibia at flight level 195 was approaching very quickly.

On Christmas Day Namibia offered a dream sky with the high clouds that were also arranged in lines over stretches – but unfortunately only in the afternoon. It took patience until the Kalahari had heated up for these high-reaching thermals. Those who started early were forced to struggle in rough lifts under the blue sky, which at first did not reach higher than 1000 meters above ground. After the heat treatment at almost 35 degrees Celsius in the basement, you could freeze in the cloud shade when the outside temperature was well below zero.


Wir trauern um Dieter Schwenk

Dieter hat sich als Mitglied des Bitterwasser Board of Directors und CFI der Soaring Societey of Namibia um den Segelflug in Namibia besonders verdient gemacht.

An seinem Lieblingsplatz in Bitterwasser sitzend hat er uns für immer verlassen.

Wir werden ihn nicht vergessen.


Langsam neigt sich die Saison in Bitterwasser dem Ende zu.

Nach und nach werden die Segelflugzeuge in die Container geladen. Und trotzdem fliegen täglich einige Teams über 1000 Kilometer.