We are mourning the loss of Hansjörg Schweizer

Hansjörg Schweizer - a long-standing member and guest of Bitterwasser - passed away yesterday here in his second home.

Hansjörg was a founding member of Bitterwasser(PTY)LTD. Without the commitment of these founders, Bitterwasser would not be the paradise that all pilots in the world know it to be today.  

For over 30 years, Hansjörg (left in the picture) was an integral part of the Bitterwasser community - not only as a passionate glider pilot, but above all as a friend. With over 2,300 flying hours in a glider from Bitterwasser alone, he knew this region like no other. He was proud to have completed his 500th glider flight in Namibia, covering over 1000 km, just a few days before his death. However, he not only flew over Namibia in a glider, but also in a motorized aircraft. He was also one of the pilots who carried out temperature flights every morning in the early days to obtain weather information for gliding. His stories, his passion for flying and his special manner will be fondly remembered.

Even in his last days, Hansjörg was still doing what he loved most: flying. Together with his friend Carl Schönherr (pictured right), he once again experienced the Kalahari from above.

It is with great sadness, but also with deep gratitude for his commitment to Bitterwasser, that we bid farewell to Hansjörg Schweizer.

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The gliding season in Bitterwasser turns up again

Although the season in Bitterwasser seems to be coming to an end in mid-January, the weather is at its best. Pilots from all over the world enjoy impressive thermals, breathtaking cross-country flights over 1000 km and a unique community.

1250 km palm tree for Dmitry Borovyk and Anton Minskii

The last season 2023/24 ended with a spectacular highlight for Dmitry Borovyk and Anton Minskii: on the very last day, they managed to fly around three declared turning points that cover an impressive distance of 1250 kilometers. This extraordinary achievement earned them the privilege of planting a palm tree in Bitterwasser - an honor only bestowed on the best pilots. One year later, the two are now returning to Bitterwasser to plant their palm tree in a festive ceremony in keeping with the old Bitterwasser tradition.