The first gliders are loaded and on their way.

This year the gliders will be brought to Bitterwasser in two groups. At the moment no forwarder can guarantee when the containers will arrive. Therefore we have decided to send four containers a little earlier so that they will actually be in Bitterwasser on November 01 for the start of the season.

Those aircraft owners who arrive later in the season will then load their aircraft in mid-September.
With dry weather and overcast skies, loading at the new site in Waghäusel was very easy, thanks to the excellent preparatory work of Lothar Wittig.
The containers are now going to Antwerpen and will be loaded onto the Green Mountain.

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Jonkers JS5 – Discovering the Namibian Sky

The latest flagship from Jonker Sailplanes, the JS5 Rey, has successfully completed its first flight in Namibia - in the world-famous thermal oasis of Bitterwasser. Thanks to excellent weather conditions, several 1000-kilometer flights have already been achieved.

Arcus M 2.0 available for charter – the best time of the year!

One of our Arcus M 2.0 gliders has just become available and can be chartered here in Bitterwasser.
Timeframe: December 21, 2024, to January 6, 2025.

If interested, contact us quickly at