Container open. All clear!

Customs were there and after the first inspection the long sea voyage of our toys went well. Rainer, Bernd and others are coming next week. Then the first planes will be rigged. The season is just around the corner.

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The gliding season in Bitterwasser turns up again

Although the season in Bitterwasser seems to be coming to an end in mid-January, the weather is at its best. Pilots from all over the world enjoy impressive thermals, breathtaking cross-country flights over 1000 km and a unique community.

1250 km palm tree for Dmitry Borovyk and Anton Minskii

The last season 2023/24 ended with a spectacular highlight for Dmitry Borovyk and Anton Minskii: on the very last day, they managed to fly around three declared turning points that cover an impressive distance of 1250 kilometers. This extraordinary achievement earned them the privilege of planting a palm tree in Bitterwasser - an honor only bestowed on the best pilots. One year later, the two are now returning to Bitterwasser to plant their palm tree in a festive ceremony in keeping with the old Bitterwasser tradition.